Romantic and sweet bouquet in a pastel harmony with its plum-colored vase. This arrangement is composed of buttercups, freesias, roses and scabiosa.
Diameter ∅ : 11 inches
* Depending on the season, the varieties of flowers and foliage used in the bouquets may differ from the visual displayed, but the composition produced will retain the color tones as well as the general appearance displayed. At the very least, the stems of the flowers must be submerged at half their height. Be sure to add water to maintain the level and change it as soon as it becomes cloudy.
Premium Flowers
The florists from René Veyrat carefully select the best flowers and plants available from local and international producers.
Vase included
Unless explicitly mentioned, all bouquets & plants are supplied with an elegant vase or platter highlighting the quality of the compositions. Everything is included in the price.
Tailor made
Each flower creations by René Veyrat is made to wow and please anyone. Bringing the art of floristry to the next level.